Monday, December 16, 2024

Hospital posting!

  Recently had to tell a doctor type "unfortunately, I'm a living thing, not a warehouse item. You can't just stick me on a shelf to wait until...". This person also gave me an unidentified pill that I took in desperation. No informing the patient of medications anymore. Asked and found oxycodone in a yet to be determined amount. Just asked. Fuck informing the patient. Turns out it was 5mg. I should not have to ask these questions after I took a pill. Those "rules" the hospital is supposed to operate by are false. Once in that building, they do anything they want. No questions asked. I swear if the cops came in, the doctors could tell them to drop and fellate. The cops would be obligated to comply. Does a doctor really pull the main strings at the top of this multi-tiered puppet show? The hospital "caring" or "helping" is like the American government's apocalyptic "peacekeeping missions" in Iraq.

My phone is at 31% with a dead power block in my bag and I sit here, typing into my blog. Just bebopping and skatting all over the broken medical system. The most important thing is waiting through pain. That is what the hospital is for. It is the most frequently encountered, most commonly practiced thing in the building. I can hardly see how that would not be its primary purpose. I'm clocking in at 14 hours of waiting in the hospital right here, right now. No food, no water. We have to starve and dehydrate the incoming patients. Otherwise, our torture would not be quite so effective.

I was just held prisoner in a loud, cold hallway for 2 days. 3 people literally watched me shit. I just told someone "this hall is just me and beeping machines I am not connected to." The event which led to this was a meeting with some doctor type in which I told him I'm not happy and don't like the world. I told him that my last stay here taught me good and evil without thinking. I would never want to hurt anything. He took this as an indication of something weaker than him to dominate and punish. Now I have to leave "against medical advice" so I can go back to the parents' place for a day before another hospital. My foot is all fucked up, covered in sores and swollen. They could have treated me like a patient and I would have waited quite some time with no problems. Nope, they had to cause problems.

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