Friday, November 1, 2019

Uma Thurman as Beatrix Kiddo in Kill Bill

Another from the figure drawing sketchbook and not an assignment either. I think she's a little too narrow, but her hoodie looks good.

Tony Jaa - Ong Bak

Poses from the beginning of Ong Bak, the scene in which Ting (Tony Jaa) recites and executes moves while his uncle watches. This was in my figure drawing class sketchbook, but not a class assignment. It was my final semester of college, I was in easy classes to just get it done and hardly had any homework. This gave me time to draw what I wanted and my sketchbook looked like it was totally unrelated to the class.

Psychedelic Hallway

Another one from sketchbook class. The assignment was "go somewhere you haven't been at school and draw". This was during my final semester and for the previous 3, I had spent breaks wandering campus and drawing. Seriously, prof? One of the only unexplored areas left was a tiny building with regular classrooms, so I had to make the hallway as interesting as possible.

Media Law Class

This was one of the classes that broke my Dean's list streak. The book was incoherent and the lectures were nearly pointless. The guy sitting next to me was highly amused by this drawing.

Marty Friedman

The guitarist from Megadeth drawn from a photo in a guitar magazine. This was done in the sketchbook class. There was just not enough course material to hold my interest. If the professor had just taken a few minutes to write down some ideas for assignments, the class would have been better.

Lazy at Taylor

There is a stereotype about people with darker skin colors being lazy because sometimes it's true. This guy was at my workplace for a cleaning job and all he did was use his phone in the office. This was great because he sat still so I could draw him.


When I was sitting in the art building lobby during my last semester of college, I made friends with this girl. It's a shame that one of the guys from my video group offended her by asking for sex. Social interactions were never the same after that.


I drew this in a terrible class that was supposed to be about sketchbooks. The teacher was a Taoist Nihilist who tried to discourage me from drawing realistically. While I was drawing this, there was a video playing about an "artist" who makes temporary pieces out of leaves, stones and branches.

Actors from book

I was sitting in the art building lobby at college during breaks 2 or 3 times per week for a whole semester. There was a book on the table and I worked multiple days to draw this photo from it. I shaded the whole page with charcoal, laid down black sharpie, erased, added charcoal and then white conte.

Abstract Disease Practice

I was drawing a disease for a strange art class and wanted to practice one of the sections.

Chad and Grant - Annoying

We're Annoying and you have to listen to us

My 2 favorite Canadian acoustic musicians from Zoran Maslic's 2015 documentary, Annoying. Chad Fontaine and Grant Faithful.

People Sketch

These were done about 4 years apart. The pencil one was at the start of college and the pen one was at the end. Both were done from photos. I can't tell how much progress was made because it's my own work.

Group Guys

I was attending college and mental health and addiction group meetings for a while and drawing people was the only way to pass the time. I think that I got more out of drawing people in rooms than the other guys got by taking the "process" seriously.


I met a good friend in a terrible class at MCC. He looked so serious while doing his presentation that I gave him a happy and colorful background.