Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Calyx Krater

My friend saw the vases I had made and asked for one for Christmas. I told him that my next would be a calyx krater (ancient Greek) and he said that he wanted his to be "legit". We haggled over hero counts, but the figures were easier to do than expected. He got Theseus vs the Minotaur on one side and Perseus with Pegasus and Medusa (with a bonus Kraken) on the other. There may be some type of copyright issue with my figure designs, but I processed them to look "legit" enough so that should not be a problem. My only real issue with this is that the paper mache became heavy enough to distort the top when it was wet.

Vases 1 & 2

I imagened in my mind a cardboard vase that would look like a surrealist painting. It would be angular and have the shading all going the wrong way. That did not happen. This is what came out instead. The outer surfaces were painted flat and then drybrushed, accentuating the edges and ripples in my paper mache. Splattering them got paint all over my desk, another sculpture and my mirror.

Cemetery Excitement

Over the summer, I was struck by an interest to do a piece based on a photo of this crypt door at the local cemetery. I was still in abstract mode, so it looks way more exciting and inviting than a cemetery should.

Popcorn Sutton

This is from a sketchbook for an art class. I don't think it's that good because I didn't grid and measure. It looks impressionist to me.

Self Portrait in Plaster

The sculpture class at school was doing plaster casts of people's faces and hands. I was unable to do my hands because of how hairy they are, so she told me to do fingers. I was also given some broken hands that were left behind. I had been looking at the chicken wire all semester, wanting to use it and everyone got a board. I had already spent so much time on my electric garden that I just put the stuff together, added some black and red in a few places and called it done. I really like it because the class was appropriately shocked.

Electric Ikebana

An art teacher at school assigned her sculpture class to make art from items that are not art supplies. I had already done that quite a few times, so I decided to dispose of some of the giant container of broken electronics under my bed. Ikebana is Japanese flower arranging in which the spaces between the flowers are as important as the flowers themselves.

Reggae Bag and Book

I had made a custom bag for myself of hemp twine to use at school. It worked so well that I thought other people should use them too. My Jamaican friend was still nearby at the time and I figured that maybe he could talk someone into buying a bag, so I made it reggae-style. It's pretty self-explanatory, but I will list my materials in the labels as always.


During my final semester at college, I took easy classes to just get it over with. I hated the school that I had transferred to and had already taken the difficult classes that I needed. This left me sitting in boring lectures, so I drew designs in the margins of my notebook. When school was done, I scanned them all and assembled it.