There are many who claim to know everyone's problems, origin of and solution to. Nobody could truthfully claim anything like this. I only propose an idea about how to look at things and determine what's going on and why. I only propose that we take all elements, forces and effects into account. No individual issue, item or subject is the sole cause of any situation. If someone is "acting out", there are subjects withiin them and outside, around them contributing to the situation. Something has angered them and something has pushed them so far as to have that level of activity that available on their menu of what to do. If a mechanical part breaks, the part may have been installed wrong by someone in the previously mentioned type of situation as well as manufactured wrong for a host of other reasons or damaged in shipping, usage, accident, abuse... There are so many factors at play in anything.
A factor not considered in film reviewing is why so many are centered around and driven by conflict. Video media like TV shows and internet postings too. I got more "ultra hippieized" by some recent trauma and realized this while watching a long line of conflict. What else could happen? Exploration and explanation are good and included in things like travel and food shows. I defaulted to Anthony Bourdain's video catalog when I had my video conflict revelation. This caused a drive for documentary style movies and TV (most movies are REALLY negative) and music videos and concert footage. Another source of negativity is the BBC. On their nature shows like planet earth 2 and life of plants, conflict and disgust dominate. I've watched stuff in which the anteater is glossed over as quickly as possible so the rest of the duration could be used to show the ants. Underwater? Get out the macro and look for the most insect-like crustaceons. BBC just has to show animals fighting, eating one another in slow motion repeated multiple times, or the grossest shit around.
Some of the concerts are blowing me away. These musicians really fucking throw down the gauntlet as far as setting a bar in technique, writing and performance. Black metal guitarists are showing rhythmic variety untold with right hand picking. A power metal band, Sonata Arctica live in Finland, almost makes me cry with music that goes straight to the me inside me. Hindustani classical sarod and sitar players are turning out to be bonkers good sometimes (or some folks) and totally incoherent or annoying with others. I wrote some about music evaluation last post. This language of music is all I really understand. English speech in America is pretty fucked up if you listen and think.