Saturday, January 4, 2025

Hospital Again

 Here I am in a hospital waiting room again. A woman just came out and said she understood that some people here have been waiting 3 or 4 hours. I took a tizanidine before I left, but that is not enough. Luckily, my dad stopped to get me nicotine gum and hand sanitizer. I would be totally fucked without those. Also fixed my bag so the keyboard case stays on the back better, without ripping through small sections tied. I used a different card reader and fixed the operating system card with my old 16gb pi3b+ card. That pi3 thing is just slightly underpowered. It loads games fine and 1 video fine, but a playlist of videos is too much for it to handle. The playback gets all choppy and glitchy.

I was feeling really poorly yesterday when I realized that metal music is the only language in which I can communicate effectively. Vigrid Field, Phasmydian Walking Stick and Veils of Sunken Varloorni prove that. I also realized today that it is the only language I fully understand when it is communicated to me.

I'm in a waiting room hall at the main hospital of the area. This place is packed with folks in need and I have to control my generosity here. There are 2 old men waiting here with me and 1 needs a smoke. I offered him a piece of nicotine gum. He didn't want it. The other guy is scraping for change to buy sodas. I get into a place like this and try to help others before I can help myself like the main character from Hells (2008 anime movie). I guess I'm more like her than I previously imagined. My story arc would have had some much darker times before I found my strength. It always does and I discover my strength in hell like her too. Once I leave hell, my power vanishes. Like the Besaid Aurochs, I can only win the Yevon Cup with a new player on my team. I thrive on variety and change, but not quite torture level. Torture level approaches quickly and I told a nurse the longer I wait, the worse my stomach problems get and I'm scheduled for a session of gut Star Wars in a few days. She predictably did not care enough to even write a note.

I've been here 24 hours and got less than 1 6-hour interval dose of pills that this hospital system prescribed to me. I'm not trying to claim someone else's or more than alotted. I told an office person that poor decisions inevitably come back to hurt the folks who decide on those choices. She took it as a threat when I don't have to lift a finger to make it happen.

The hospitalfolk gave me 2 different pills which each take an hour to work and told me they would clean my foot in 15 minutes when the pills started working. I told this bitch to have fun thinking that and cried while it hurt my foot. 

I'm too frazzled to go to the hospital. I just freak out the entire time inconsolably.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


 It is no mystery that I am currently a vape addict. Adult pacifiers.

The nicotine one makes my head, mouth and throat feel great, but my leg, ass and digestive area feel horrible. I mix a fluid using menthol, mint and fruit flavors to make something difficult to put down.

THC vapes are extremely interesting. I order from a company called Binoid and like them. The goal here is to hit 2 bases and try for more. THC, CBD and CBG are supposedly the 3 bases, but not really. I manage quite well without CBD specifically. However, my set contains CBC, CBG and CBN. I've got THCA and delta 9 in my T category. Sometimes I get one with some delta 8, but it doesn't feel like it. This is where my special combo comes in. HHC is in a T category vape and I think it compliments delta 9 excellently. I would call that the 3rd base in my diamond because it at least works some if I really figure it out well.

I put these in C, T and H categories based on 1st letters. There are so many types of ingredients in these. T category is absolutely bristling with variety.

1 of them is my standard. It has delta 9P and HHC, along with the THCA that Binoid has in literally every one they sell. 2nd individual has a long list of great ingredients. CBG, CBN and HHC are my faves that compliment my standard very well. The new arrival has CBC, is harsh and strong. Good addition. Last on its way out is an item with tons of delta 8 marked in the fine print on back, but advertised as just another THCA.

I have told you all about how I order and why without telling individual items because I want you to explore and find your own path.