Sunday, December 22, 2024

Reprimanding a parent

 I was trying to take care of my fucked up foot in the kitchen and my mom was freaking out, going down spiralling rabbit holes of fear and anxiety. I had to tell her to stop at least 3 times. And all I did was tell her to stop and give her hell verbally about freaking me out more than I already am.

The image above is because I was communicating with a text buddy about an "ugly holiday sweater" coloring page. I asked if he had a request for 1 to be made among my planned others and he defeated the purpose. I chose to misread the words.

The diarrhea has been intense for quite some time. I suspect something digestivally wrong that my left leg senses too. I move, drink liquids...

This is to show that products which look a certain way do not necessitate production in that method. The "slats" "stuck onto" the end panels of this "crate" used to be just sides. Look at the side slots to view how the cuttting tool  removed end panel material.

Saturday, December 21, 2024



This has been some time in coming, but ultimately doomed. I need extended desktop to fit the keyboard in the right direction and not fall off when I'm using it. You see the clips. The board is just the cheapest particle board from a package from China. I wrapped it in my psychedelic paper.

Retroarch is possible on the phone and works coherently. However, the controls are so terrible that nothing with quick or complex control manipulation is playable.

These are views from my window. Probably not the smartest thing, but who cares at that level of information, correlation and specification? Winter looks great, but feels horrible.

Trash typing again

 Let's examine:

"It is what it is"

"This is what it is"

"That is what it is"

"That is how it is"

Only the 1st is nonsense and commonplace.

My room has a wall light with faulty wiring across the floor. When I walk, the light stays off. There is a jingly cabinet of stuff downstairs. When I walk, the stuff jingles less than when a miniature datchshund walks by. I informed my mom of this tonight when she turned the light on. My mom might weigh 10lbs more than my 115. I don't think that difference changes the wiring in my floor.

Slash of GnR is reputedly and admittedly a great guitarist. What he has is not technical virtuosity, but raw feeling, naked soul. He's using how he plays and manipulation of larger musical elements to convey feeling. He's not "just that fucking good", no. We need to identify why he of all people is good at it, what makes him good, what does he do well? A little more explanation earlier in life would have saved me so many problems and made so many things more enjoyable. I asked and looked and got very little.

Image #3 is the only bit of my photodump that concerns me. Eating white sugar and smoking nicotine vape cannot go well together or in the long run.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Keyboard case for small messenger bag


I was tying this keyboard to the back of my bag after wrapping it in plastic bags. No go. This is like memory foam mousepad type material and everything is attached with twine. I plan to reenforce the joint areas where twine crosses bag and manage that system better.

Angelic Cabbies

 Angels here are not little white kids. I explained to 1 last night. They don't have halos, they have cornrows. Black cabbies. Dude gave me a menthol cigarette right there in the cab. Angels are just some person who shows up with or to do exactly what you need most.

I would like to discern plot engagement vs. Psychological engagement. Plot is Valerian and the city... (2017) While psychological is Branded (2012). What is going on vs the effect on characters kind of balance. I just arrived in my folder, looking for the 1st is why I mention.

Fritz Lang made a Nibelungen movie in 1924. It was nearly 5 hours of german expressionist cinema, nearly forgotten by most. In this, a woman's nigh unslayable husband is slain by design. She is really having a time of it and those are some great scenes. Kriemhild swears revenge.